Dynamic values

Many of our websites rely on dynamic counts to show the current state of things. As it is such a common usecase the theme supports it with a little javascript snippet that is injected in all pages.

It works by looking for any element that has an attribute data-ajax-url. When it finds those, then it calls the endpoint specified in data-ajax-url. It is assumed that the response is JSON. the default value it looks for is a count field. You can also specify which value it should insert by adding a data-ajax-path. It will insert your value as text, so it isn’t possible to insert HTML using this technique.


This markdown

>There is currently <span data-ajax-url="https://api.gbif.org/v1/occurrence/search?limit=0"></span> occurrences published by the GBIF network.

Will show as

There is currently occurrences published by the GBIF network.

This markdown

>taxonKey 42 is called <span data-ajax-url="https://api.gbif.org/v1/species/42" data-ajax-path="scientificName"></span>

Will show as

taxonKey 42 is called