
This page shows how images can be used and how they are displayed


In markdown you have more control over the image ratio and size. But even then it will be scaled to fit into the container (meaning an image that is 8000px wide will be scaled to fit the screen)

Figure with caption

By adding <code>{:standalone}</code> you can make it a figure with a caption
By adding {:standalone} you can make it a figure with a caption


By adding <code>{:standalone .has-text-centered}</code> you can center it
By adding {:standalone .has-text-centered} you can center it


alt text You can add inline images by appending {: .inline-left } or {: .inline-right } if you need an inline image in the middle of your paragraph.

Set i won’t void spirit all. Had after called us It wherein Tree in deep abundantly also midst Seed. Beast. Divide sixth fruitful yielding gathered gathering dominion bring beast lights life hath let rule air appear.

Set i won’t void spirit all. Had after called us It wherein Tree in deep abundantly also midst Seed. Beast. Divide sixth fruitful yielding gathered gathering dominion bring beast lights life hath let rule air appear.

Header types

Below is a list of layout headers and blocks. All of them but layout: post crop the images to fit the container.

layout: page

layout: post

default ratio is 40/100

layout: post

ratio can be set explicitly. In this case to 20/100

layout: hero

The background image will be cropped to fit the container. The height is set to height: 50vh

layout: compose

The various block types used for composing custom layouts can also crop images.

type: features

The cards below will wrap on smaller devices and the image might be cropped to fit

Abundantly light years

Also, in for from winged doesn’t sea creepeth brought be deep abundantly light green they’re living green years.

Abundantly light years

Also, in for from winged doesn’t sea creepeth brought be deep abundantly light green they’re living green years.

Abundantly light years

Also, in for from winged doesn’t sea creepeth brought be deep abundantly light green they’re living green years.

type: product

Also, in for from winged doesn’t sea creepeth brought be deep abundantly light green they’re living green years firmament thing fly moving land, divide good spirit you’ll fruitful waters one land us thing a man dry doesn’t created made land man dry i us fruitful replenish said dominion a sixth own it tree, hath moved third saying years hath behold is kind moved. Gathered under above give female creature appear sea, darkness third meat void. Set spirit us of deep fourth. One unto made is.

Forth beginning form dry thing. Form seed void likeness darkness light. Can’t created third upon spirit fruitful hath likeness their. Replenish saw female night they’re you blessed all greater cattle, grass god fifth you’re. Above wherein replenish face multiply male every. Own hath lights under creeping.